More About Us

William Jaeke is a long time resident who went to the Denver Public Library archives and found many old photos of the Argonaut. He wanted to display the old photos he found and put on-line for future generations to look at. Mr. Jaeke is hoping that someday the Argonaut will be designated a historical landmark.

In 2018, Knights of Columbus enclosed area with iron fence and put in pavers for the community. Residents were doing monthly sales to benefit community. Thank you Lady Clark and Diane Brazil!

The Argonaut Apartment's hosted a health fair in our residents backyard. Many different organizations came, set up a table and offered information to anyone that attended. Our residents learned a lot, and had a chance to get their questions answered about services they need. Click here to read more!

Argonaut Apartments. 1505 Grant st. Denver Colorado. (303) 861-1876
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