Knights of Columbus


In 2018, Knights of Columbus enclosed area with iron fence and put in pavers for the community. Residents were doing monthly sales to benefit community. Many thanks to Lady Clark and Diane Brazil!

They use the funds to help others in the Argonaut/El Tovar who are less fortunate than themselves, selling used items such as plates, furniture and even homemade walking canes.

• Bags with bottled water, granola bar, and list of community resources are given to homeless people on street which is funded by these community sales. 

• Passersby working in the offices nearby will often donate as well. 

• Knights of Columbus helps people that are homeless become self-sufficient with many of their services.

Lady Clark

Delberta Clark

Delberta "Lady Clark", has s a community project where she sells used items like plates and furniture, known as "We Got Your Back Team". She has set up a gated area and in warm weather she can be found sitting outside hoping to sell and raise funds for the homeless in the area. She loves to get involved and states her mother is the one that taught her to give back to her community.

Argonaut Apartments. 1505 Grant st. Denver Colorado. (303) 861-1876
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