We Had a Health Fair...
Health Care in our courtyard!
The Argonaut Apartment's hosted a health fair in our residents backyard. Many different organizations came, set up a table and offered information to anyone that attended. Our residents learned a lot, and had a chance to get their questions answered about services they need. Click here to read more!
Colorado Department of Human Services
Colorado Department of Human Services made an appearance with sweets and mugs as complimentary gifts for our residents. Residents were able to learn about the Food Distribution Program and the services they offer.
Colorado- Palliative & Hospice Care
Colorado Palliative & Hospice came in to talk about options for residents, such as hospice. Combating stereotypes and offering answers was beneficial and residents loved learning about the options available to the.
InnovAge participated and offered services and information for all of our residents. There were brochures and packages explaining different services and plans available.
United Health Care talked about Medicaid, benefits and answered questions for anyone that needed clarity. They also offered many complimentary gifts!